ILGA-Europe’s journey towards an intersectional approach
Intersectionality beyond tools and practices
How is intersectionality relevant to finance and admin work?
How can we be non-extractive (and what does that mean)?
Whose life are we making easier?
How much do you know and how much do you think you know?
We plan our events, HR practices, office management, and re-granting with intersectionality in mind. We then evaluate and learn from previous experiences.
We are honest, with ourselves and with others. We are upfront with participants, members, partners, and own what we manage to do and what we don’t.
We ask ourselves the right questions and work to answer those to the best of our ability. We accept and own the gaps and difficulties and explain with acknowledgement of our limitations.
When we interact with external people and ask for their contribution, we think about what that relationship looks like: is it mutually beneficial or is it extractive? The solution may not be exclusively about money, but for instance about knowledge or visibility.